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NEW BOOK: From #1 Cobus Visser the Viking!

Order My Book Before it Launches

Cobus Visser's Autobiography

Walking Through Fire

Whatever It Takes Cobus Visser

"Cobus Visser's autobiography, 'Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes,' is more than just a memoir; it is a beacon of hope and resilience in the face of life's greatest adversities.

This book is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration or understanding how unwavering faith and a relentless pursuit of one's mission can lead to profound transformations.

Through his extraordinary life, from battling life-threatening Haemophilia to summiting Africa's tallest peak and becoming a renowned Master firewalk instructor, Cobus exemplifies what it means to live by the motto 'Whatever it takes.'

My journey, marked by setbacks, triumphs, and an indomitable spirit, will not only inspire you to reassess your own limits but will also equip you with the mindset to overcome them.

This book promises to shift your perspective, showing you the power of spirit over adversity and the incredible impact of living a life fuelled by purpose and passion."

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    I Need your SUPPORT

    To Publish my Book

    Dear Friends and Supporters, I am reaching out to share something very close to my heart

    —the upcoming launch of my autobiography,

    “Walking Through Fire: Whatever It Takes.”

    This book is more than just my story; it’s a testament to overcoming life’s most daunting challenges through faith, perseverance, and a relentless ‘Whatever it takes’ attitude. As many of you know, my journey has been filled with both incredible adversity and astounding triumphs. From facing daily battles with Haemophilia to summiting Mount Kilimanjaro and becoming Africa’s leading firewalk instructor, my life has been a testament to the power of the human spirit.

    Today, I am calling on your support to bring this story to the world. The costs associated with publishing are substantial, and the current cash flow challenges have made it even more difficult. But I believe in the power of community and the collective spirit of support that has always been the cornerstone of everything I achieve.

    The book cover is finalized, and now I need your support to reach my goal of 1,000 orders. Your purchase not only helps in covering the publishing costs but also plays a crucial role in spreading a message of hope and resilience far and wide.

    By ordering your copy of “Walking Through Fire: Whatever It Takes” today, you’re not just buying a book; you’re uplifting and inspiring countless others to face their ‘fires’ with courage and determination. You’re also enabling me to continue my mission of empowering people to unlock their fullest potential.

    Please consider ordering your copy today. Your support could change lives and show the world that together, we can overcome any obstacle. Thank you for considering this request and for being a part of my journey. Your support means the world to me and to all those who will find hope in these pages.

    With deepest gratitude, Cobus Visser


    You don't have to pay for shipping.  


    Book Cover Description Book Cover Insight:

    The cover of “Walking Through Fire: Whatever It Takes” visually represents the powerful journey from a Viking of the past to a modern-day man.

    The imagery encapsulates the essence of drawing strength from our past to face the future with resilience and determination.

    The Viking Symbolism: The Viking imagery transitions into a modern-day man, symbolizing the strength and lessons learned from history that fortify us today.

    The gray background represents steel-like strength and resilience, indicative of the modern-day Viking spirit—determined, unyielding, and prepared to face any challenge.

    • The Fire Representation: The vibrant orange symbolizes the fire, representing the trials and challenges we face in life. Walking through fire signifies the hardships that temper us, making us stronger and more resilient. It is through these fiery trials that we emerge with the strength to face the future and build a lasting legacy.

    • Symbol of Brotherhood and Connection: The symbol in the middle represents brotherhood and the fire that connects us all. It signifies the importance of connection and mutual support in our journeys. The fire also ignites our passions and hearts, encouraging us to live without regret and with purpose.

    Journey and Story: This book narrates the transformative journey of Cobus Visser, a man who has faced numerous challenges and emerged stronger each time.

    It tells the story of a father and a man in search of love and connection, driven by a purpose to keep living and never give up. It is a testament to the power of resilience, brotherhood, and the unyielding human spirit.

    Inside My Book... 

    You'll Discover:

    “Inside ‘Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes,’ you will embark on a journey through the depths of resilience, faith, and the unyielding power of the human spirit. Here are just a few of the many discoveries awaiting you:

    Section #1

    Quest Discoveries

  • Discoveries #1: The True Meaning of Resilience: Learn firsthand what it means to face life-threatening challenges head-on and emerge stronger, wiser, and more determined.

  • Discoveries #2: The Power of Faith: Discover how unwavering faith in God and oneself can illuminate the darkest paths and guide one through the fiercest storms.

  • Discoveries #3: Unimaginable Triumphs Over Adversity: Be inspired by the astonishing feats achieved in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, from climbing Africa’s tallest mountain on crutches to mastering the art of firewalking.

  • Section #2

    Quest Discoveries

  • Discoveries #4: Invaluable Life Lessons: Gain insights into the profound life lessons learned through both struggles and successes, and how they can be applied to your own life for growth and empowerment.

  • Discoveries #5: The Essence of True Leadership and Coaching: Understand the impact of compassionate, purpose-driven leadership and coaching, and how it can transform individuals and teams

  • Discoveries #6: Strategies for Overcoming Physical and Mental Barriers: Uncover the strategies that have helped overcome the daily challenges of living with Haemophilia, offering hope and practical advice to those facing their own battles.

  • Section #3

    Quest Discoveries

  • Discoveries #7: A Blueprint for Living ‘Whatever It Takes’: Explore the principles of living a life characterized by the motto ‘Whatever it takes,’ a commitment to pursuing one’s goals and dreams, no matter the obstacles.

  • Discoveries #8: The Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment: Join the author on a deeply personal voyage of self-discovery and empowerment, learning how to unlock your own potential and live an extraordinary life. 

  • Discoveries #9: Live Without Regret: An Emotional Odyssey: Prepare yourself for an emotional odyssey. Through these pages, you will cry, you will laugh, and you will experience the full spectrum of human emotion. Cobus Visser’s candid storytelling invites you into the heart of his life’s journey, making you feel each triumph and tribulation as if they were your own.


    Why Am I Selling my book?

    Why Order My Book This book is my legacy—a testament to who I am and the journey I’ve undertaken. “Walking Through Fire: Whatever It Takes” is more than just an autobiography; it is a source of inspiration and hope.

    By sharing my story, I aim to impact millions, ensuring that if I die tomorrow, I leave behind a piece of me that continues to inspire and uplift others. It’s okay to go through challenges; it’s part of what makes us stronger. I want this book to reach as many people as possible, to be available in more stores, and to have a major publishing company take it worldwide. To achieve this, I need to secure 1,000+ sales as quickly as possible.

    Additionally, the audiobook will be released at the end of August, providing another way for you to experience the transformative insights shared in my journey.

    Order Information The ordering process for “Walking Through Fire: Whatever It Takes” is a strategic step towards ensuring the successful launch and widespread distribution of this deeply personal and inspiring autobiography.

    By securing 500+ orders, we aim to demonstrate the book’s potential impact and market demand to publishers, thereby facilitating its publication. This process not only helps cover the initial publishing costs but also engages a community of supporters and early readers who are integral to spreading the book’s message of resilience, faith, and the power of the human spirit. Ordering offers readers the chance to be part of a movement that champions overcoming adversity and living a life marked

    ‘Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes’ is not just a story; it’s an invitation to embark on your own journey of transformation, to face your fires with courage, and to live a life of purpose, passion, and infinite possibility.”

    ORDER my Book & Get These FREE Bonuses!

    Bonus #1

    AudioBook version

    Total Value: R497 / $27

    As a special token of appreciation for your support through pre-ordering "Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes," we are thrilled to offer an exclusive bonus: not only will you receive the highly anticipated audiobook, but you'll also get the Kindle and PDF versions of the book.

    This comprehensive package, valued at R497 (approximately $27), ensures that you can immerse yourself in this compelling story in whichever format suits you best.

    Whether you're on the move, curled up at home, or in need of inspiration on your digital devices, these versions promise to bring the profound journey of resilience and triumph directly to you.

    This offer is our way of saying thank you for joining us early on this transformative journey and helping to make the publication of this heartfelt autobiography a reality.

    Get This For FREE When You Order My Book Today! 


    Bonus #2

    Signed Copy 

    Total Value: R200 / $10

    In addition to the audiobook and digital versions, we're offering an extraordinary bonus for those who pre-order "Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes".

    You will receive a personal signed copy of the book, a tangible piece of this journey that carries the author's gratitude directly to you.

    This unique opportunity, valued at R200 (approximately $10), reflects the immense value of your time and commitment to making this publication possible. It's our way of acknowledging and celebrating the crucial role you play in bringing this story of resilience and transformation to life.

    Your early support is not just appreciated—it's a fundamental part of this journey, and we're honored to recognize it in such a meaningful way.

    Get This For FREE When You Order My Book Today! 


    Bonus #3

    Kindle PDF Version

    Total Value: R500 / $27

    As a special token of appreciation for your support through pre-ordering "Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes," we are thrilled to offer an exclusive bonus: not only will you receive the highly anticipated audiobook, but you'll also get the Kindle and PDF versions of the book.

    This comprehensive package, valued at R497 (approximately $27), ensures that you can immerse yourself in this compelling story in whichever format suits you best.

    Whether you're on the move, curled up at home, or in need of inspiration on your digital devices, these versions promise to bring the profound journey of resilience and triumph directly to you.

    This offer is our way of saying thank you for joining us early on this transformative journey and helping to make the publication of this heartfelt autobiography a reality.

    Get This For FREE When You Order My Book Today! 


    Bonus #4

    Postage Included

    Total Value: R200 / $10

    In our continued effort to provide unparalleled value to our supporters, we are pleased to announce another bonus for those who pre-order "Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes": free postage.

    That’s right, the cost of getting this transformative book into your hands is on us, ensuring that your journey to empowerment and resilience begins seamlessly and without additional burden. This bonus, valued at R200 (approximately $10), is our way of expressing gratitude for your early support and commitment to joining this movement of change and growth.

    By including postage, we aim to make it as easy as possible for you to access the wisdom, inspiration, and powerful stories Cobus Visser has to share. Whether you're gifting a copy to a friend or eagerly awaiting your own, rest assured that the logistics are taken care of. Consider this bonus our investment in your journey towards embracing the 'Whatever It Takes' mindset, making sure that nothing stands between you and the profound insights waiting within the pages of "Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes."

    Get This For FREE When You Order My Book Today! 


    Bonus #5

    Invitation to Zoom launch Q&A

    Total Value: R500 / $27

    For those who take the step to pre-order “Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes,” we have another exclusive bonus that celebrates our community: invitations to join the book Zoom launch, an event marking the culmination of this extraordinary journey.

    For those beyond the first 150, we extend an invitation to join us online, ensuring that no matter where you are in the world, you can be part of the celebration.

    This invitation, valued at R500 (approximately $27), is not just about attending an online event; it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the transformative message of the book, engage directly with the content and connect with a community that shares your passion for stories of resilience and triumph. Your early support helps bring this project to life, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you, either face-to-face or in the digital realm.

    Get This For FREE When You Order My Book Today! 


    Bonus #6

    Invitation to Private Facebook group and Whatsapp community

    Total Value: R1500 / $70

    Another exceptional bonus for those who pre-order "Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes" is an exclusive invitation to join both a private Facebook group and a WhatsApp community.

    This privilege offers you a behind-the-scenes look at my journey, enabling direct interaction and engagement with a supportive and like-minded community. Valued at R1000 (approximately $53), this access not only connects you with others who share your passion for stories of resilience and transformation but also provides a platform for continuous inspiration, motivation, and shared learning.

    Within these private spaces, you’ll receive updates, insights, and content not available to the general public, fostering a closer connection to the journey and its impact.

    This bonus extends the value of your pre-order far beyond the book itself, inviting you into a community committed to growth, empowerment, and the collective pursuit of impacting 20 million lives in the next 5 years.

    Your participation in these groups is not just a benefit; it’s a key component of a larger movement, where every interaction, every shared story, and every word of encouragement contributes to a ripple effect of positive change across the globe.

    Get This For FREE When You Order My Book Today! 


    Unbeatable Guarantee

    At the heart of this unbeatable guarantee and the rich array of bonuses for pre-ordering “Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes” lies a deeper mission—my purpose to impact 20 million people over the next 5 years.

    By securing your copy early, you’re not just receiving a collection of rewards; you’re becoming an integral part of a larger vision aimed at spreading a message of resilience, hope, and empowerment on a global scale.

    This initiative is about more than a book; it’s a movement towards positive change, where every story shared, every lesson learned, and every obstacle overcome contributes to a collective impact.

    Your support helps to propel this mission forward, ensuring that together, we can reach and inspire millions. Joining this journey early means you’re not just witnessing transformation; you’re actively participating in making it happen, playing a crucial role in a purpose-driven endeavor that extends far beyond the pages of a book.

  • Here's Everything You Get When You Pre-Order My Book

  •  AudioBook version

  • (R497 / $27 Value)

  • Signed Copy book

  • (R200 / $10 Value)

  • Kindle PDF Version 

  • (R500 / $27 Value)

  • Free Postage

  • (R200 / $10 Value)

  • Invitation to Zoom launch Q&A

  • (R500 / $27 Value)

  • Invite to Private Facebook Group & Whatsapp community

  • (R1500 / $70 Value)

    Total Value:

    R3,397 / $171

    Order My Book Today


    Recognising the special bond we share and the faith you have in my journey, I understand that my book, “Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes,” may retail for less upon its official release.

    However, this pre-order campaign is specifically designed for my friends and those who truly believe in the message and mission behind my story. It’s an invitation to be part of something bigger—to not just launch a book but to propel a movement that aims to inspire and impact lives on a significant scale.

    Your early support through pre-ordering is not merely about acquiring a copy of the book; it’s a vote of confidence in the power of this story to make a difference, a contribution towards making the vision of impacting 20 million people in the next 5 years a reality.

    This is an opportunity to join hands with me in a deeply meaningful endeavor, ensuring that together, we can share this message of resilience, hope, and transformation with the world. Your belief in me fuels this mission, and your support in these initial stages is invaluable for laying the foundation for greater success and wider reach.

    Banking Details for EFT

    You can complete your payment using a credit/debit card by filling out the billing information in the highlighted pink section.

    Alternatively, if you prefer to make an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and wish to include a donation or extra sponsorship, please use the banking details provided.

    Cobus Visser International

    Absa Acc: 40 7986 8083 Branch: polokwane Branch code: 632005 Current acc

    Swift: ABSAZAJJ
    email proof of payment to: [email protected]

    Join the Movement:

    Order 'Walking Through Fire.

    Whatever It Takes'

    and Be a Catalyst for Change!


    Target By end of Sept

    By pre-ordering "Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes," you're not just buying a book—you're becoming a founding partner in a transformative journey.

    This is an invitation to stand shoulder to shoulder with me as we embark on a mission to inspire, empower, and impact millions.

    As a founder, your early support is the cornerstone upon which this book's success will be built. You are investing in the potential of a story to change lives and spread a message of resilience and hope across the globe.

    Partnering with me through your pre-order means you believe in the power of overcoming adversity, and together, we can bring this powerful narrative to the world. Your contribution is a testament to the strength of community and the impact of collective belief in a cause. Let's turn the page on this next chapter together and make "Walking Through Fire. Whatever It Takes" a beacon of inspiration for all who encounter it.

    Cobus Visser Viking

    Where Should I Ship Your Book?

    Tick the above box at order Volume 1 - 3 

    Before you complete your checkout, consider enhancing your journey of transformation by adding "Extraordinary You: The Power That Is You" Volumes 1, 2, and 3 to your order.

    By simply ticking the checkbox above, you can receive these insightful soft copies alongside my new book, allowing you to dive deeper into the themes of empowerment and resilience that have defined my work. This is a unique opportunity to expand your collection and support the mission that drives us. The books will be conveniently shipped together with my new release, ensuring you have a wealth of inspiration at your fingertips. Thank you once again for your incredible support—it truly makes a difference.

    © Cobus Visser International 2024 - Built With GrooveFunnels